Wednesday, July 3, 2019

My Elder Sister And Her Husband Visit Lower Eagle Falls

Song:  Nights In White Satin (Cover / Orchestral)

Artist:  David Lanz 

I took my elder sister and her husband to Lower Eagle Falls
 to photograph the sunrise before the falls become a mere trickle.

Almost all of the snow has melted...
and so, the volume of falls has already greatly diminished.

I had wanted to take my mother also...
however, she had fallen asleep early...
so, I picked up my sister and her husband early.

The drive took just over one hour.

We had actually arrived almost 45 minutes too early...
so, we just sat in the car, just across the street...
until the sky started to glow.

My sister and her husband really liked the falls.

We are still scouting out places for us to visit in the different seasons.

We will come back in the Winter.

I hope to catch a sunrise with snow on the ground later this year.

We then drove just a few minutes to another lookout point to take pictures
of the front of the falls.

We stood at the top and to the right of this portion of the falls.

Down a little farther...
the falls had a lower portion.

My elder sister is 60 and her husband is almost 70.

For our next outing...
we will mountain bike around Spooner Lake...
and then on to the Truckee River trail.

This whole summer...
besides capturing Summer's beauty...
we are scouting out areas to re-visit for the Autumn colors 
or the next Winter's snowfalls.

Retirement is the time to freely chase passions...
and to fully live life as we had once done as teenagers...
as we had worked and sacrificed to reach this point in life of utter freedom...
without worry.

My elder sister and her husband have made some enlargements of their 
favorite photos from their past...
to hang on their walls at home.

This is some of the best art...
as it captures memories as they had lived it.

Our mission is to experience and capture...
once again...
great adventures and moments...
and by doing so...
becoming younger as we age.

Death, we cannot change...
but how we live our lives...
is of our choosing.


  1. Thank you Cindy. You are welcome to join us on our trips. I'll email you with an invite next time.

  2. Love the reflection of the clouds on the lake... so beautiful and tranquil.

    You, your sister and her husband are making the most of retirement.

    1. Thank you. We look forward to many more adventures.
