Thursday, May 13, 2021

Prosser Reservoir And A Burger


Song:  Expression

Artist:  Helen Jane Long

On this night, I took my mother and my elder sister to 

Prosser Reservoir for sunset...

and then afterwards...

to Mel's for supper.

My mother greatly enjoys our outings...

and as the weather is getting warmer...

I plan to take my mother out at least once a week

for an outing in the mountains and for supper afterwards.

This man had a bicycle drive open kayak and he peddled around the reservoir as 
he fished.

My sister took Bandi on a short stroll.

We then ate at Mel's dinner inside of Boomtown Casino.

I ordered my mother a Mel's third pound burger with fries...
and she had a Blue Moon beer...her favorite.

They make good burgers here...
and we will often go here after our mountain outings.

I dropped off my sister at her house...
and then took my mother back home.

My mother enjoys our outings...
and so...
I will do them more often.


  1. So nice that your mother can get out. And that burger looked yummy!

    1. My mother greatly enjoys our outings. Mel's has some of the best burgers in town.
