Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Oct. - Nov 2020

Song:  (cover)  Clair de Lune

Performing Artist:  Emre Sabuncuoglu

Earlier last month...

I took my mom out to Prosser Reservoir just to get her out into the mountains

for a little bit.

Bandi also had a good time in the mountain air.

A couple of weeks ago...
I made almost 7 lbs (3 Kilos) of Tri Tip...
as well as fire roasted peppers for Ponzu Peppers.

My elder sister, her husband, and her eldest son...Chris...
came over for a Tri Tip meal.

This was half the meat...
as we ate all the other half.

The meat was juicy and delicious.

I then made...
Patriotic dessert.
(Red, White, and Blue)

Then...last night...
my mother and I went to my elder sister's home for an election night BBQ.

We had Tri Tip.

My sister had made the Tri Tips on her grill.

They were also tender, juicy, and delicious.

After supper...
my elder sister and I watched some of the election results on her outside TV.

Just last week...
our regular store had a two for one sale on Tri Tips...
and so...
I bought over 30 Kilos of Tri Tips...
and put them in the deep freeze.

Most of the Tri Tips came seasoned...

and my mom loves the taste.

My mom needs to gain weight...
so...we will be eating Tri Tip much more often. 



  1. Beautiful that you are all together so often:)

  2. Life is too short to not spend it with those who have been there for you. As you get older, it is time to cut loose the unnecessary and anything which is lesser in life, and spend it with those who mean the most. Tears at a funeral are useless. Time spent while they were alive means everything.

  3. I don't think I've ever had Tri Tips but it looks delicious. Glad your mother could get out and enjoy the mountains.

  4. I love tri tips. They cook up juicy and tender. My mother loves them too. We've already eaten ten pounds of them.
