Thursday, April 14, 2022

Turkish Flat Bread


Song:  Zeynep's Romance

Artist:  Omar Faruk Tekbilek

I have made Turkish Flatbread several times now.

Just today the rolling board arrived.

It is 3/4" thick solid marble.

I also ordered a solid marble roller with SS handles.

With but a light dusting of flour...
both of them become non stick...
and so, rolling the dough becomes almost effortless.

This is a very simple recipe.

3 cups warmed milk

2 Tbls of sugar

2 Tbls of dry yeast

1 tsp of salt

7 cups of flour

Put in milk...
add the dry ingredients...
mix thoroughly and then knead the dough 20x.

Let rise at room temp for 1 hour.

The dough ball makes 8 single servings.

The dough may be frozen for later use.

Cut the dough ball into 8 sections...
roll and fold each section into fourths and reroll...
as many times as you wish.

The more you knead the dough...
the chewier the flat bread becomes.

Before kneading the dough...
coat your hands with olive oil so the dough 
won't stick to your hands.

Place each section of rolled dough...
one at a time into a heated uncoated nonstick pan...
on medium or high.

Turn frequently.

I have eaten this bread with brushed melted butter on top...
with peanut butter and preserves on top...
and with an olive oil/black pepper/oregano blend to dip the bread in.

I cooked four pieces...
two of which I ate right away...
and two I placed in a covered container and put them into the fridge 
for later consumption after a quick warm up in the microwave...
and the other half of the dough I put in the freezer.

I am going to try to make my own pizza later on.

I love to eat...
but I am frequently disappointed with most products from the store...
and even from many restaurants.

And so...
I will try making a pizza that will fit my taste.

I will also later try my hand at making some Indian food.

This bread is already similar to nan...
and so...
I will try some of the potato dishes to go along with the bread.

My mother loves this bread...
especially the peanut butter and jam version.


  1. I occasionally make pizza at home using dough from the store that you have to roll out... it can be good but is highly dependent on the brand. I'm pretty sure your flatbread is more tasty. I never like rolling the dough as it frequently sticks but you have really nice tools for the job and I appreciate your tip to rub olive oil on your hands.

  2. I really love this bread. I have to learn how to make the sauce for pizza. I am learning how to make my own Mozzarella for the pizza. I want to make a really delicious pizza as I have yet to find one I really love.
