Sunday, August 11, 2019

Bandi's First Neighborhood Walk With Kaida

Song:  Together

Group:  The Partridge Family

I had to wait for the slip leash for Bandi to arrive.

It makes all the difference in the world.

A Blog friend mentioned that his wife recommended a slip leash...
as she has used them successfully.

Yes, I am glad I got one.

Bandi walked along with no real resistance.

I took Kaida (My younger sister's dog) with Bandi.

We just went on a short walk today...
to lookout point.

They are friends...
and often play.

Bandi is growing so quickly.

Bandi is full of energy and playfulness. 

On the way home.

My mother was going to go with us...
but at the last moment...
she said her knees hurt.

However, upon arriving at home...
I found her outside.

She decided to walk out after us  :)


  1. Glad that the slip leash is working out. My wife says to keep the puppy next to you when you're walking rather than have her ahead of you. But I'll leave that to you. :)

    So nice that Bandi and Kaida are good company for each other.

  2. Yes, I will do that. I will concentrate on just walking her alone in the future, at least until I know she can follow basic commands, and can walk without wandering.
