Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Minor Thunderstorm

Song: Echoes

Group:  Pink Floyd

I saw clouds overhead this past evening...
so, I took my mom to my elder sister's neighborhood to watch the sunset.

My elder sister is having her back landscaping put in right now.

She will then have an endless pool put in.

After my mom does her Farmer's Walk with my sister...
they will get into the pool.

However, the pool won't be put in for a while.

The landscaping itself will take several weeks.

I picked up my elder sister and her husband and off we went.

I thought that the sunset would be nice...

however, the real show was going to be behind us.

So, I turned my mom's seat around to watch the colors unfold in the approaching storm.

My mom had a good time pointing out interesting clouds.

As the yellows faded...
lavender prevailed in the storm clouds.

There had been many lightning flashes.

At first...
the thunder was about seven seconds behind the flashes (about 7 miles).

By the time the interval decreased to two seconds...
I dropped off my elder sister and her husband (just down the street)
and I took my mom to one of our favorite 24 hour restaurants...Mel's.

Every weekday - 24 hours a day...
they have a steak and egg meal for $7.99.

You simply cannot make it at home for cheaper...
so, we will often order this meal whenever we feel like having steak and eggs.

My mom was hungry.

She ate everything  :)

I will often combine our little country outings with a meal afterwards.

My mother loves the views...
the fresh air...
and good food afterwards.


  1. Oops, meant to post the lavender comment on this post... you have to look all around when you're out... those storm clouds were beautiful!

  2. I love thunderstorms. My sister and brother in law got some actual bolts of lightning in their photos. I love stormy days, they have some of the most interesting clouds, sunrises and sunsets.
