Saturday, September 7, 2019

Tailgating A Sunset

Song:  Unknown  (My Russian is rusty  :)

Artist:  Unknown

I took my mom to a Mexican food restaurant to take out
some Tortas, Tacos, and a Burrito so we could have a sunset tailgate supper.

We picked up my elder sister and her husband and then went a few seconds down 
their road and put out our chairs. 

My mom and I ate as we watched the clouds change colors.

By the time my mom had finished eating...
it was time to turn around her chair to catch the colorful clouds 
in the other direction.

We had a good time.

Watching sunrises and sunsets is our hobby.

The only thing which makes it better...
is when good food enters the equation  :)


  1. Love the idea of tailgating sunsets! How fun!

  2. Pretty soon it will be too cold to tailgate, but, if there are nice clouds out...I will be out capturing beautiful sunrises and sunsets. My mother may watch from inside the car when it gets below freezing, but, she will still go to see them. Life is too short to not appreciate true beauty as much as possible.
